Business Objective:

The Cloud 9 Cloud 9 POS Flash Sales Report is used to review current date and historical sales by Register. Trickle data from standard POS systems and data from Cloud 9 POS systems will be included.


Selection Screen

Cloud 9 POS Flash Sales Report
1. Date - input a date or click on the button to bring up a calendar.
2. Select entry from dropdown list.
3. Change the Theme of the report.
Action Options:
Submit Produces results window.
Clear Clears all data fields, or resets to Default.
Email Emails report to recipient as attachment.
Email Only If this box is checked it will email a link to access the report when it finishes running. The screen will be released so that you can go and run something else.
Selection Criteria:
Start Date / End Date Select the date range to run the report for. Can be run for current date.
Store The number of transactions for that employee or store.
Rep Select a single rep or leave as "All Data" to search for all reps.
Department Select single or multiple departments or leave blank to search all departments.

Print Version - Scrolled Left

Cloud 9 POS Flash Sales Report

Print Version - Scrolled Right

Cloud 9 POS Flash Sales Report
Results Data:
Store The store number and name.
Register # The terminal number.
Transaction Count The number of transactions for that employee or store.
Sales Units The number of units sold by that employee/store.
Return Units The number of units returned by that employee/store.
Average Units Number of average units sold per transaction - Calculation = Transaction Count / Net Units.
Gross Sales The total $ sold by that employee/store.
Gross Returns The total $ returned by that employee/store.
Net Sales Calculation = Gross Sales - Gross Returns
Net Tax The total tax collected.
Non-Merchandise The total of non-merchandise items sold (shipping etc.)
Average Sales The average dollar amount of sales. Calculation = Net Sales / Transaction Count.
Percent of Transactions

The contribution of that register to the total store for transactions. Calculation = Transaction count for register / Transaction count for store.

Note the store total represents the stores percent to the chain.

Percent of Sales

The contribution of that register to the total store for net sales. Calculation = Net Sales for register / Net Sales for store.

Note the store total represents the stores percent to the chain.

Program Flag


There is an optional program flag to change how a transaction is counted when an NMC is present in the transaction. When the flag is set and a Non-Merchandise Charge (NMC) and a UPC are included in the same transaction, the Transaction Count field is calculated as two transactions instead of one.


Related Links


Calendar Screen - Click for more information about selecting dates on a calendar.
Distribute Report Output Using Email - Click for more information about what to do after you submit a report and click the Email button.
Drop Down Lists - Click for more information about drop-down lists with five or more options, where only one option can be selected.
Receive Email Notification for Report Output - Click for more information about the Notify option that appears after submitting a report.

Last updated: 06/21/18 Project #: BOSS-10906