Business Objective:

This report provides output based on booked Tray In, Tray Out, and Media Pickup transactions.


Selection Screen

Cloud 9 Tray Audit Report
1. Date - input a date or click on the button to bring up a calendar.
2. Select an entry from the drop-down list.
3. Select one, multiple, or leave blank to select all entries from the list.
4. Change the Theme of the report.
5.Report Viewer - For more information on how to use this CLICK HERE.
Action Options:
Submit Produces results window.
Clear Clears all data fields, or resets to Default.
Email Emails report to recipient as attachment.
Email Only If this box is checked it will email a link to access the report when it finishes running. The screen will be released so that you can go and run something else.
Selection Criteria:
Start Date / End Date Select a start / end date by clicking on the calendar. This will create the date range to search.
Employee # Select the employee you want to run the report for or leave the default “All Data” to run for all employees.
Sort By Select the type of sort:
  • Date - Store (Date then Store)
  • Store - Date (Store then Date)
Store Select a single store, multiple stores, or leave blank to search all stores.

Print Version - Scrolled Left

Cloud 9 Tray Audit Report

Print Version - Scrolled Right

Cloud 9 Tray Audit Report
Results Data:
Store Number The store number where the Tray In or Tray Out occurred.
Date The date of the Tray In or Tray Out.
Time The time of the Tray In or Tray Out.
Terminal Number The terminal number associated to the Tray In or Tray Out.
Transaction Number The transaction number associated with the Tray In or Tray Out.
Transaction Type The transaction type, either a Tray In or Tray Out.
Employee Name The employee name that performed the Tray In or Tray Out.
Employee Number The employee number that performed the Tray In or Tray Out
Tray Name The tray name.
Default Float The default float amount for that tray.
Expected Float The expected float amount for that tray.
Actual Float The actual float amount for that tray.
Float Variance The variance between the expected float and the actual float amounts.
Expected Take The expected take amount for that tray.
Actual Take The actual take amount for that tray.
Take Variance The variance between the expected take amount and the actual take amount.
Media Pickup The amount of any Media Pickups for that tray.

CSV Version - Scrolled Left

Cloud 9 Tray Audit Report

CSV Version - Scrolled Right

Cloud 9 Tray Audit Report

Related Links


Calendar Screen - Click for more information about selecting dates on a calendar.
Distribute Report Output Using Email - Click for more information about what to do after you submit a report and click the Email button.
Drop Down Lists - Click for more information about drop-down lists with five or more options, where only one option can be selected.
Receive Email Notification for Report Output - Click for more information about the Notify option that appears after submitting a report.

Last updated: 6/1/18 Project #: BOSS-9843