This report provides output based on booked Tray In, Tray Out, and Media Pickup transactions.
Action Options: | |
Submit | Produces results window. |
Clear | Clears all data fields, or resets to Default. |
Emails report to recipient as attachment. | |
Email Only | If this box is checked it will email a link to access the report when it finishes running. The screen will be released so that you can go and run something else. |
Selection Criteria: | ||
Start Date / End Date | Select a start / end date by clicking on the calendar. This will create the date range to search. | |
Employee # | Select the employee you want to run the report for or leave the default “All Data” to run for all employees. | |
Sort By | Select the type of sort:
Store | Select a single store, multiple stores, or leave blank to search all stores. |
Results Data: | |
Store Number | The store number where the Tray In or Tray Out occurred. |
Date | The date of the Tray In or Tray Out. |
Time | The time of the Tray In or Tray Out. |
Terminal Number | The terminal number associated to the Tray In or Tray Out. |
Transaction Number | The transaction number associated with the Tray In or Tray Out. |
Transaction Type | The transaction type, either a Tray In or Tray Out. |
Employee Name | The employee name that performed the Tray In or Tray Out. |
Employee Number | The employee number that performed the Tray In or Tray Out |
Tray Name | The tray name. |
Default Float | The default float amount for that tray. |
Expected Float | The expected float amount for that tray. |
Actual Float | The actual float amount for that tray. |
Float Variance | The variance between the expected float and the actual float amounts. |
Expected Take | The expected take amount for that tray. |
Actual Take | The actual take amount for that tray. |
Take Variance | The variance between the expected take amount and the actual take amount. |
Media Pickup | The amount of any Media Pickups for that tray. |
Calendar Screen - Click for more information about selecting dates on a calendar.
Distribute Report Output Using Email - Click for more information about what to do after you submit a report and click the Email button.
Drop Down Lists - Click for more information about drop-down lists with five or more options, where only one option can be selected.
Receive Email Notification for Report Output - Click for more information about the Notify option that appears after submitting a report.